
和名 オオコノハズク
英名 Japanese Scops Owl
学名 Out semitorques
Manfred Heidenreich (1995),
Birds of prey medicine and management, Blackwell Science, Inc., MA
J d Hoyo, A Elliott and J Sargatal(1999), Handbook of the birds of the
world Vol.5, Lynx edicions, Barcelona
Hand, Thatcher, Remillard and Roudebush, 本好茂一監修(2001),小動物の臨床栄養学第4版, マークモーリス研究所日本連絡事務所,
baskets and platforms / artificial nest sites for owls and other birds of prey,
Sue M. Dewar and Colin R. Shawyer, the hawk and owl trust, London
Fredric L. Frye, 松原哲舟監 (1997), 飼育下爬虫類の食餌, LLL Seminar